Brayden's Journey

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Stitches are out!

Can't believe it's been over 2 weeks since surgery and so far he is doing pretty good.  We are just worried about one area on his side that has been having some discharge.  We have started wet to dry dressing change again and hope it gets better soon and not split open.  Just when we think we are good, something has to happen. Since Brayden has been feeling good, hard to keep him from running around all the time. 

This past Thursday Brayden went out to our local hospital here in town and got his stitches taken out.  They put him under anesthesia which makes it easy to get his stitches out. When he got up, he got spoiled by the nurses and they gave him a goodie bag full of toys.

Now since the stitches are out, he still needs to wear an ace wrap for another week or so and were doing wet to dry dressing change 2 times a day.  We are hoping that area heals up quickly and no more dressing changes, they are never fun for Brayden. 

Having fun this weekend at Sac County Fair!
 Area that is having problems



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