Brayden's Journey

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fill # 2 for round 3 done!

Another week went by and it was time for another fill tonight.  Brayden had a hard week and his butt is still bothering him and his stitches are opening up more.  He still won't sit on his butt.  When he eats he stands or on his knees.  He loves bath time but when he goes in the tub, he tries to sit, then he realizes his butt still hurts so he stands the whole time. 

Wednesday Brayden goes to Dr. Price to get his stitches taken out with daddy.  Only bad part they can't put him under, so we will give him some Tylenol to see if that helps. Which I don't see that happening since he cries every time we change his diaper. But these stitches on his butt have to come out and hopefully once they do, that area will start to heal. Wish him luck on Wednesday!

You can see the area on the right side on the bottom of his butt that is red.  This is where it's starting to tear and why it hurts him to sit

This week, Brayden did have fun with his bubble nevus buddy Joshua! He came over 2 times for play dates.  They have so much fun together and they are so lucky they live so close for play dates.

Cheese boys!

One day, they will hate us for this picture but we had to get a picture of the bubble buddies!

Tonight it was fill #2.  Back in to the routine of our weekly Sunday fill.  Erin and Brent came over tonight to help us with the fill.  We are happy they could come over to help us.  Brayden did pretty good, cried off and on and one time he screamed a high pitch noise right in to my ear.  He kept wanting to look down at Geoffrey as he was doing the fill and he would see the syringe and needle and start crying.  I told Brayden to stop looking, then he did and the tears would stop.  He does amazes me because right after the fill, he forgets about what happened and he's off to playing again.  We had a good fill tonight.  We got 65 cc's in each side! We are now at 270 cc's on the right and 275 cc's on the left.  We have 8 fills left, so our goal is to get to 750 cc's in each expander. 
Here's his growing bubbles after 2 fills


Right expander at 270 cc's


Left expander at 275 cc's


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